Herbarium of Université de Montpellier 2, Institut de Botanique (MPU)
Two types of Jacques Huber were found in the Herbarium of the University of Montpellier 2, preserved in the Institute of Botany. Both were collected in the State of Ceará, Brazilian Northeast. They were donated by the Herbier Boissier. The reproduction was authorized.There are over four million samples preserved in MPU Herbarium, one of the largest French collections of dried plants. Types and historical samples are digitized and available on the online database.
The Herbarium of Conservatoire et Jardin Botaniques de la Ville de Genève (G)
There are 99 specimens databased collected by Jacques Huber. Among them, 74 type specimens. There are also large amount of new species described by Casimir de Candolle from plant collections sent by Huber. Bellow you can find 22 types with images already online at the Catalogue des Herbiers de Genève (in English and French). The reproduction was authorized.The Herbarium of Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle (P)
Here you can find 19 specimens collected by Jacques Huber in the Amazon and the state of Ceará, Brazil. Among them, 17 nomenclatural types. The catalog is online at Herbarium specimens (English). The reproduction was authorized.Reflora Virtual Herbarium
Here you can find plants collected by Jacques Huber and preserved in the Botanical Garden of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), the Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle (France), and the Royal Botanic Gardens (England) - including type specimens.The RVH is designed to allow taxonomists to perform similar procedures to the ones they are used to do within physical collections. This site provides high quality images which can be consulted, re-determined and typified, amongst other functionalities (English).
The Goeldi Museum Herbarium (MG)
Here you can find 151 nomenclatural types described by Jacques Huber among 3.036 specimens collected by him (in Portuguese). Huber described many species of economic and ecological importance, such as the samples below (authorized reproduction):
Ambelania grandiflora (molongó), 1900
Bactris capinensis (marajá), 1897
Brosimum paraense (muirapiranga), 1907
Cecropia paraensis (imbaúba), 1909
Chrysophyllum excelsum (sorva-do-Pará), 1902
Coccoloba pichuna (pixuna), 1903
Copaifera cearensis (pau-de-óleo), 1908
Couepia robusta (abiu-rana), 1908
Duguetia riparia (envira-tai), 1900
Euxylophora paraensis (pau-amarelo), 1907
Geonoma dammeri (ubim), 1901
Goeldinia ovatifolia (ceru), 1900
Hymenaea oblongifolia (jutaí), 1907
Hymenaea parvifolia (jutaí-pororoca), 1909
Lecythis paraensis (sapucaia), 1912
Matisia paraensis (cupuaçu-rana), 1901
Mimosa duckei (juquirí-bravo), 1903
Mimusops amazonica (maçaranduba), 1902
Parinari rodolphii (farinha-seca), 1908
Passiflora guedesii (maracujá), 1901
Peltogyne paraensis (pau-roxo), 1897
Platymiscium duckei (macacaúba), 1904
Sacoglottis uchi (uchi), 1897
Sclerolobium paraense (tachí-branco), 1908
Zollernia paraensis (pau-santo), 1907
Parinari rodolphii (farinha-seca), 1908
Passiflora guedesii (maracujá), 1901
Peltogyne paraensis (pau-roxo), 1897
Platymiscium duckei (macacaúba), 1904
Sacoglottis uchi (uchi), 1897
Sclerolobium paraense (tachí-branco), 1908
Zollernia paraensis (pau-santo), 1907
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